Benutzer:Seahorse/Information LinkSource
- 1 Smart Meter ("intelligente Zähler") - A threat to Health, Privacy and Safety
- 2 Energiesparlampen
- 3 Mobilfunk - Cellphone Radiation, Electromagnetic Radiation - Health Hazards
- 4 Wärmedämmung, Fassadendämmung
- 5 GMO-Food
- 6 Bisphenol A, Pesticides, HSFC, Fluorid, Zwangs-Jodierung
- 7 Vaccines, Impfungen
- 8 Global Power Structure
- 9 UN - United Nations
- 10 EU - European Union
- 11 Internet
- 12 New World Order (NWO) - The Open Conspiracy
- 13 Future of Society
- 14 International Banking Crisis, Global Financial System, Derivatives
- 15 Sonstig
Smart Meter ("intelligente Zähler") - A threat to Health, Privacy and Safety
relates to
CO2-ClimateChange-Agenda.The Green-Agenda "...would fit the bill."
CO2-ClimateChange-Agenda.Carbon Tax, Trading, Investments, Carbon/Energy Rationing - Big Global Business
- Bundestag.Petition: Energiewirtschaft - Austausch elektronischer Geräte zur Erfassung des Energieverbrauchs vom 11.02.2011
Text der Petition: Der Deutsche Bundestag möge jedem Wohnungsnutzer das Recht geben, jederzeit den Austausch elektronischer Geräte zur Erfassung des Verbrauchs von Energie, Wasser usw. in seiner Wohnung ("intelligente Zähler"/"Smart Meter") gegen herkömmliche Stromzähler, Wasserzähler usw. zu verlangen.
- [...] Im April hat das niederländische Parlament einen Gesetzentwurf zur flächendeckenden Einführung „intelligenter Stromzähler“ abgelehnt, weil das Gesetz nicht gewährleistete, dass man weiterhin einen herkömmlichen Analogzähler einbauen lassen kann. In Berlin ist man leider noch nicht so weit, Stromkunden ein Recht auf die bewährten, sicheren und datenschutzfreundlichen Analogzähler einzuräumen. Die vorliegenden, vollkommen unzureichenden Spezifikationen für „intelligente Zähler“ befeuern den Ruf nach einem solchen Recht weiter.
[...] Das Handelsblatt schreibt, „digitale Zähler erleichtern Angriffe auf das Stromnetz“. „Die Zahl möglicher Einfallstore für Hacker explodiert“, sagt Rolf Adam, Smart-Grid-Experte beim Netzausrüster Cisco. „Angreifer könnten den Strom in ganzen Stadtteilen lahm legen“, sagt Joshua Pennell, Chef der britischen IT-Sicherheitsfirma IO-Active. Bisher fehle es meist an Verschlüsselungen für den Datenverkehr vom Zähler zur Zählerdatenbox, sagt Helge Meyer, Projektleiter Smart Metering bei der Deutschen Telekom. Auch Prozesse, mit denen die elektronischen Schlüssel für die Stromzähler aktualisiert werden, gebe es meist noch nicht. „So lange diese Standards nicht für alle elektronischen Zähler gesetzt sind, handelt es sich wegen des technisch möglichen Zugriffs überspitzt gesagt um öffentliche Daten“, sagt Meyer. Ein Manager von ABB erklärt, dass sogar Call Center-Mitarbeiter Zugriff auf Verbrauchsdaten haben.
- [...] Im April hat das niederländische Parlament einen Gesetzentwurf zur flächendeckenden Einführung „intelligenter Stromzähler“ abgelehnt, weil das Gesetz nicht gewährleistete, dass man weiterhin einen herkömmlichen Analogzähler einbauen lassen kann. In Berlin ist man leider noch nicht so weit, Stromkunden ein Recht auf die bewährten, sicheren und datenschutzfreundlichen Analogzähler einzuräumen. Die vorliegenden, vollkommen unzureichenden Spezifikationen für „intelligente Zähler“ befeuern den Ruf nach einem solchen Recht weiter.
Smart Meters - a threat to Health, Privacy and Safety
- [...] "Smart Meters" violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors:
1. They individually identify electrical devices inside the home and record when they are operated causing invasion of privacy.
2. They monitor household activity and occupancy in violation of rights and domestic security.
3. They transmit wireless signals which may be intercepted by unauthorized and unknown parties. Those signals can be used to monitor behavior and occupancy and they can be used by criminals to aid criminal activity against the occupants.
4. Data about occupant's daily habits and activities are collected, recorded and stored in permanent databases which are accessed by parties not authorized or invited to know and share that private data.
5. Those with access to the smart meter databases can review a permanent history of household activities complete with calendar and time-of-day metrics to gain a highly invasive and detailed view of the lives of the occupants.
6. Those databases may be shared with, or fall into the hands of criminals, blackmailers, law enforcement, private hackers of wireless transmissions, power company employees, and other unidentified parties who may act against the interests of the occupants under metered surveillance.
7. "Smart Meters" are, by definition, surveillance devices which violate Federal and State wiretapping laws by recording and storing databases of private and personal activities and behaviors without the consent or knowledge of those people who are monitored.
8. It is possible for example, with analysis of certain "Smart Meter" data, for unauthorized and distant parties to determine medical conditions, sexual activities, physical locations of persons within the home, vacancy patterns and personal information and habits of the occupants.
9. Your company has not adequately disclosed the particular recording and transmission capabilities of the smart meter, or the extent of the data that will be recorded, stored and shared, or the purposes to which the data will and will not be put.
- [...] "Smart Meters" violate the law and cause endangerment to residents by the following factors:
- Smart Meter Petition - B.C. Canada, Smart Meter Action Kit, 2011
- Website:Stop Smart Meters! - Fighting for your health, privacy, and safety
- [...] This is a tax bill. “Ratepayers” are actually taxpayers. This is a new TAX forcing the public to finance SMART METERS/GRID at the rate of 100% of costs plus a profit margin written into it. We are being forced to finance a system sold as energy conservation, efficiency, carbon reduction, and at the same time being subjected to unwarranted surveillance, data mining, and extreme health hazards not to mention the invasion of our homes and businesses. Taxes for this system are applied to your energy bill under several categories and not one part of this bill or the SMART GRID system will reduce consumption or make energy sources more secure or efficient. [...]
[...] Independent testing however, exposes the danger of these meters to the overall public health. ‘Smart’ meter radiation is a Class 2B carcinogen according to the World Health Organization (pdf) (from ) And this is just the tip of the SMART METER iceberg. No one knows what the affects of meshed systems will have on communities and neighborhoods as they are bombarded with massive amounts of radio frequency radiation thousands of times a day. [...]
- [...] This is a tax bill. “Ratepayers” are actually taxpayers. This is a new TAX forcing the public to finance SMART METERS/GRID at the rate of 100% of costs plus a profit margin written into it. We are being forced to finance a system sold as energy conservation, efficiency, carbon reduction, and at the same time being subjected to unwarranted surveillance, data mining, and extreme health hazards not to mention the invasion of our homes and businesses. Taxes for this system are applied to your energy bill under several categories and not one part of this bill or the SMART GRID system will reduce consumption or make energy sources more secure or efficient. [...]
- EU: Großer Sprung nach unten - Brüssel setzt ein Stromverbrauchs-Plansoll, Telopolis, Peter Mühlbauer, 22.06.2011
- Stromeinsparung durch Smart Metering?, 19.07.201Durch die intelligenten Zähler und die Visualisierung des Stromverbrauchs konnten die Privathaushalte durchschnittlich ca. 3,7 Prozent Strom einsparen [...]Das Ergebnis kommt vom BMBF geförderten Projekt »Intelliekon – Nachhaltiger Energiekonsum von Haushalten durch intelligente Zähler-, Kommunikations- und Tarifsysteme«, an dem unter anderem das Fraunhofer-Institut für Solare Energiesysteme ISE und das Fraunhofer-Institut für System- und Innovationsforschung ISI beteiligt waren. Bei zeitvariablen Tarifen lag die ermittelte Einsparung sogar bei 9,5 Prozent.
- California's Latest Revolt: Against Smart Electric Meters, 18.07.2011
- Smart Meters and Microwave Radiation - Smart Meters far more dangerous than anticipated, 10.07.2010
- Canada Fights Back Against Forced Stupid Meters, 13.06.2011
- Smart Grid: The Implementation of Technocracy?, 02.03.2010
- [...] This paper will demonstrate that the current crisis of capitalism is being used to implement a radical new economic system that will completely supplant it. This is not some new idea created in the bowels of the United Nations: It is a revitalized implementation of Technocracy that was thoroughly repudiated by the American public in 1933, in the middle of the Great Depression.
[...]In Carbon Currency: A New Beginning for Technocracy?, the subject of historic Technocracy was introduced in the context of creating a new economic system based on energy accounting rather than price accounting. An energy-based accounting system uses "energy certificates," or Carbon Currency, instead of dollars or other fiat currencies. Periodic and equal allocations of available energy are made to citizens, but they must be used within the defined time period before they reach an expiration date. Furthermore, the ability to own private property and accumulate wealth would be deemed unnecessary.
- [...] This paper will demonstrate that the current crisis of capitalism is being used to implement a radical new economic system that will completely supplant it. This is not some new idea created in the bowels of the United Nations: It is a revitalized implementation of Technocracy that was thoroughly repudiated by the American public in 1933, in the middle of the Great Depression.
- Privacy alert: Will dummies buy the fed's "smart meter" line?, 20.02.2010
- £500 'smart' powers meters for all which could let energy firms cap use in homes, 30.11.2009
The huge scheme is to be unveiled by Climate Change Secretary, Ed Miliband, as part of a package of measures to cut the nation's carbon footprint ahead of the climate change summit in Copenhagen.[...]Consumer groups fear that the major part of this bill will be passed on to housholders and could add up to £515 per family over a ten-year period.[...]It will also allow companies to charge more during peak times. The meters could also be used to ration supplies across the network or cap electricity use in a particular household to a certain threshold.
- IBM Expands Global IUN Coalition , 11.03.2011
IBM has said that two new utilities have joined the Global Intelligent Utility Network (IUN) Coalition, a group of utility companies designed to further the adoption of smarter energy grids around the world.The two utilities include TEPCO from Japan, and KEPCO from Korea. The coalition now collectively serves approximately 150 million energy customers worldwide.[...] - (Public Relation) IBM tests "Smart" Electrically Controlled Society on Danish Island, 26.02.2009
- (Public Relation) Home Control, The smart home. Powered by Echelon., 2011
- Smart-Grid Key Players
- pdf: Smart-Grid, Enterprise Systems Vendors and Service Providers, 2010
- Obama’s Power-Grid Grants May Revive Industry in ‘Paralysis’, Bloomberg, 28.10.2009
- (Public Relation) IBM.SmartPlanet.Energy - Smart Grid
"A smarter grid is transparent, accessible, resilient. And optimized from the user on up [... and a threat to Health, Privacy and Safety]"
- (Public Relation) IBM.SmartPlanet.Energy - Smart Grid
[PIRATEN.BerlinML, 03.04.2011 18:58] - EMail: Betreff: Re: -Petition zum Thema Datenschutz bei intelligenten Stromzählern- ... sollte eine Forderung der PIRATEN werden/sein
Absender: Seahorse
Betreff: Re: -Petition zum Thema Datenschutz bei intelliogenten Stromzählern- ... sollte in eine Forderung der PIRATEN werden/sein
Am 03.04.2011 17:35, schrieb Tilman:
Hi LV Piraten und RL-Aktive und Piraten Spin-Doktoren, die den komplette LV Berlin durch ihre Mitarbeiter kontrollieren und "managen",
die Forderung der verlinkten Petition ist sehr vernünftig.
Die Privatsphäre ist durch solche technischen Spielereien bedroht, zudem verursachen diese "intelligente Zähler"/"Smart Meter" hohe Kosten, die von den Bürgern getragen werden müssen.
Zudem ist die Frage, inwiefern es sinnvoll ist, die Bürger zu zwingen, sich irgendwelchen nicht existenten technischen Restriktionen als Begründung für den verpflichtenden Einsatz (zB bei Neubauten und Sanierungen) solcher Smart Meter zu unterwerfen.
Das Verbrauchsmuster von Energie bei privaten Haushalten ist (gerade wenn ein Pooling von vielen einzelnen HH stattfindet) sehr genau vorhersag- und planbar.
Es gibt auch bei dem Einsatz von Wind und Solar viele technische Möglichkeiten, Leistungsschwankungen in Kombination mit anderen alternativen Energien (Biogas) oder neuen und innovative Speichertechnologien (zB Wind--> Strom--> Methangas) auszugleichen.
"Intelligente Zähler"/"Smart Meter" ermöglichen aber ein "dynamsches Pricing" was für die Verbraucher im Saldo zu steigenden Energiekosten führen könnte.
Aktuell bezahlt jeder Privathaushalt idR einen Einheitstarif (Pauschale und xxx cent/kwh). Die Energiekonzerne könnten mit den Smart-Metern erstmals verschieden Preise,zB für Strom von den Verbrauchern verlangen und dieses mit "Marktsteuerung" begründen.
Da die Verbraucher nur sehr beschränkt ihren Verbrauch anpassen können, da dieses für sie mit sehr hohen Transaktionskosten verbunden ist (Waschen und trocknen nach Mitternacht, weil dann billiger, muss man nachts noch mal raus aus dem Bett, die Nachbarn freuen sich), werden sie im Endeffekt über höhere Preise in den Spitzenlastzeiten "ausgenommen".
Die Smart-Meter sind wirtschaftlich aus Sicht der Verbraucher und der Gesellschaft nicht sinnvoll, ermöglichen aber eine Komplettüberwachung des gesamten Haushalts, wenn sie auch noch mit anderen "intelligenten" Haushaltsgeräten oder Steuerungstechnik kombiniert werden (was ja ein teil der Begründung der Sinnhaftigkeit ist).
"Intelligente Zähler"/"Smart Meter" könnte so für jeden Haushalt und alle Haushaltsmitglieder zu einer Art zentraler HUB für das Sammeln diverser Daten sein, die eine lückenlose Überwachung aller Aktivitäten in einen privaten Haushalt ermöglichen.
Kann jedem nur empfehlen die Petition zu unterstützen.
Ich würde die Zielrichtung dieser Petition aber ganz auf der Linie der PIRATEN sehen, die sich ja für Informationelle Selbstbestimmung, Schutz der Privatsphäre und der Bürgerrechte einsetzen.
lg Seahorse, LV Berlin
Gefahr durch Ausdünstungen bei Betrieb
- Video Energiesparlampen: Gefährliche Dämpfe?, markt WDR, 29.08.2011
Denn bei Betrieb werden sie heiß und können Schadstoffe ausdampfen. [...]
Gefahr durch Quecksilberdampf bei Bruch
- Video: Energiesparlampen: Giftige Dämpfe, markt WDR, 30.08.2010
In modernen Energiesparlampen ist in geringen Mengen Quecksilber enthalten. Deshalb müssen sie als Sondermüll entsorgt werden. Was aber tun, wenn eine solche Lampe zerbricht? [...]
Gefahr durch falsche Lichtphysiologie
- Video: Energiesparlampen - krank durch Licht?, markt WDR, 25.1.2010
Können Energiesparlampen krank machen? Ganz eindeutig ja, meint der Heidelberger Arzt Alexander Wunsch. Seit Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit der Auswirkung von Licht auf den Körper. Das harte Licht der Kompaktleuchtmittel (Energiesparlampen) kann seines Erachtens zu Kopfschmerzen, Sehstörungen, Schwindel oder Schlafstörungen führen. Seine Erklärung: „Der Blauanteil im Licht sorgt für eine hormonell gesteuerte Belastungs- und Stressreaktion. [...]
Gefahr durch Elektrosmog uvm
- Mit dem Aus der Glühbirne der Abschied von gesunder, naturnaher Beleuchtung? Energiesparlampen machen reichlich Elektrosmog, zigfach mehr als an Computerbild-schirmen zulässig ist. Das Licht der Sparlampen flimmert, das Lichtspektrum und die Farbwiedergabe sind vergleichsweise schlecht, außerdem der hohe Blau- und UV-Anteil: Lichtsmog. Einige riechen und emittieren Schadstoffe. Ultraschall ist im Spiel. Helligkeit und Lebensdauer sind oft mieser als versprochen. Die Herstellung ist aufwändig, die Inhalte giftig, gefährliches Quecksilber. Ökobilanz und CO2-Ersparnis? Nicht wirklich. Zudem sind sie teuer. All diese Nachteile finden wir bei Glüh- und Halogenlampen nicht. [...]
Die Alternative zu Energiesparlampen
HEATBALL® Was ist das? Ein HEATBALL® ist keine Lampe, passt aber in die gleiche Fassung! [...]
Mobilfunk - Cellphone Radiation, Electromagnetic Radiation - Health Hazards
Electromagnetic Radiation, Wireless Health Hazards
- Video: Multimedia Presentation on Wireless Health Hazards, by ElectromagneticHealth.Org founder presents 1 hour 20 minute overview on the emerging public health issue from excessive exposures to microwave radiation from wireless technologies. For health practitioners, media, government, businesses, schools, patients facing chronic illnesses and the general public. Learn from one of the country's leading health advocates--who took the long road getting up to speed on this from personal experience--and is now making her insight available to all. [...] - Video: Olle Johansson, PhD Announcing Seletun Scientific Statement from ElectromagneticHealth.Org on Vimeo
- Electromagnetic Eugenics – Wireless Culling of the Population!, 25.02.2011
What follows is a shocking video, warning of the dangers of the zapping we all get from the eugenicists every day and every night. No buzzwords, no spin, just the verifiable scientific facts not running through the global propaganda engines. Electric Genocide: the trick of the Elect [...] - mp3: Cellphone Radiation - CBC: A Precautionary Tale, 30.01.2011
We've all seen them, those ubiquitous cell phone towers atop, office buildings schools, apartments. We know they emit a certain kind of radiation but are they dangerous? In an apartment in the west end of Toronto, tenants living with the towers began complaining about health problems. Were the towers to blame? Producer John Chipman in a special one-hour report looks at both sides of a heated and controversial subject.
- Handy-Nutzungsdaten - Mobilfunkanbieter speichern länger als sie dürfen, SpiegelOnline, 07.09.2011 Wer hat wann und wo mit wem telefoniert? Zeitungsberichten zufolge führen einige Handynetzbetreiber darüber detailliert Buch, speichern ihre Aufzeichnungen monatelang - einem anderslautenden Verfassungsgerichts-Urteil zum Trotz. [...]
Wärmedämmung, Fassadendämmung
- Der Schwindel mit Wärmedämmung und Energiesparen (14 Kapitel), Konrad Fischer, Dipl.-Ing. Architekt Wärmedämmung, Hausisolierung + Dämmstoff/Wärme-Isolierung - Probleme und Lösungen - Wärmedämmung oder Wärmespeicherung? Lassen Sie sich überraschen und/oder entsetzen [...]
Thema Sondermüll-Häuser
- Video: The World According To Monsanto (01:49:01)
[...] Thanks to these intimate links between Monsanto and government agencies, the US adopted GE foods and crops without proper testing, without consumer labeling and in spite of serious questions hanging over their safety. Not coincidentally, Monsanto supplies 90 percent of the GE seeds used by the US market. [...] - Video: GM Crops Farmer to Farmer (23:31)
Michael Hart, a conventional livestock family farmer, has been farming in Cornwall for nearly thirty years and has actively campaigned on behalf of family farmers for over fifteen years, travelling extensively in Europe, India, Canada and the USA.In this short documentary he investigates the reality of farming genetically modified crops in the USA ten years after their introduction. He travels across the US interviewing farmers and other specialists about their experiences of growing GM.
- Video: Monsanto GMOs Linked to Organ Failure, Youtube
The website Food Freedom reports that researchers, in what is being described as the first ever and most comprehensive study of the effects of genetically modified foods on mammalian health, have positively linked organ damage with consumption of Monsantos GM maize.
- Genetically engineered maize with synthetic toxin approved for usage in EU food and feed, Farm Wars, 28.07.2011
- GM regulators chose ignorance over science, Jonathan Latham, 15.06.2011
A study showing the presence of GM pesticides in the blood points to the remarkable complacency of global safety regulators [...] May, the journal Reproductive Toxicology published a paper that showed Canadian women now routinely have GM pesticides – called Bt toxins – present in their blood streams. So, too, do 80% of their unborn babies. Presumably, they acquired the toxins by eating GM corn or from livestock fed on it. By itself, this result does not prove that any harm has occurred – though it is hardly reassuring. And, as the first experiment of its kind, it needs repeating. What it does definitively prove, however, is equally important: the remarkable complacency of the global safety regulators of GM crops who have argued that this was impossible. - EU lifts ban on GM feed, 25.02.2011
BRITISH farmers could soon be given access to GM animal feed after the EU voted to relax its zero-tolerance policy to contaminated feed being imported into Europe. - Scientists warn of link between dangerous new pathogen and Monsanto’s Roundup, 21.02.2011
A plant pathologist experienced in protecting against biological warfare recently warned the USDA of a new, self-replicating, micro-fungal virus-sized organism which may be causing spontaneous abortions in livestock, sudden death syndrome in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready soy, and wilt in Monsanto’s RR corn. Dr. Don M. Huber, who coordinates the Emergent Diseases and Pathogens committee of the American Phytopathological Society [...] - The Organic Elite Surrenders to Monsanto: What Now?, 27.01.2011
- GM strain blows organic status away, 23.12.20010
[...] The West Australian Minister for Agriculture and Food, Terry Redman, has called on the organic industry to bend its rules to permit some GM material, declaring purity to be "unrealistic".WA grain farmer Steve Marsh was stripped of his organic certification this week after GM canola seeds allegedly blew 1.5km over his boundary from a neighbouring property at Kojonup, southeast of Perth. He is now setting an Australian precedent by threatening to sue for damages. - We can build whatever animal you want to eat, say scientists, 21.09.2010
TINKER with the genetics of salmon and maybe you create a revolutionary new food source that could help the environment and feed the hungry.Or maybe you're creating what some say is an untested "frankenfish" that could cause unknown allergic reactions and the eventual decimation of the wild salmon population. [...] - GM maize 'has polluted rivers across the United States', 28.09.2010
- EU 'clears the way to fast-track GM crops', 14.07.2010
- Exposed: the great GM crops myth, By Geoffrey Lean, The Independent, 20.04.2008
Major new study shows that modified soya produces 10 per cent less food than its conventional equivalent. Genetic modification actually cuts the productivity of crops, an authoritative new study shows, undermining repeated claims that a switch to the controversial technology is needed to solve the growing world food crisis. [...]
Bisphenol A, Pesticides, HSFC, Fluorid, Zwangs-Jodierung
- Video: Vitamin D3 What the Government Doesn't want you to know
- Video: How Vitamin D Reduces Incidence of Cancer: DINOMIT Model
- Video: Whats a Vitamin D Deficiency?
Bisphenol A
- Video: CBC.The Disappearing Male - Englisch Bisphenol-A (44:18)
The Disappearing Male is a CBC documentary about one of the most important, and least publicized, issues facing the human species: the toxic threat to the male reproductive system. [...]
- Bisphenol A - Magazin warnt vor Chemikalien in Kassenbons, SpiegelOnlin, 16.08.2011
- Bisphenol A - Gender bending chemicals in plastics 'raises risk of prostate cancer', 07.10.2010
- EFSA re-confirmation of the safety of Bisphenol A (BPA) should ‘set consumers minds at ease,’ says BPF, 10.2010
- Studie zu belastetem Mineralwasser aus Plastikflaschen - Hormone aus der Plastikflasche, von Stefan Keilmann,, 12.03.2009
Die Universität Frankfurt hat in einer Studie nachgewiesen, dass Mineralwasser aus Plastikflaschen mit hormonell wirksamen Substanzen belastet ist. Die Werte liegen deutlich höher als bei Wasser aus Glasflaschen. Experten warnen in Anbetracht der Ergebnisse vor möglichen Schäden für die Gesundheit. Besonders gefährdet seien Schwangere, Säuglinge und Kleinkinder. Behörden halten sich mit Wertungen bislang zurück.
- Alarming levels of hazardous chemicals in Canadian canned foods, 29.05.2008
Canned foods commonly served to Canadian children contain the estrogen-mimicking chemical bisphenol A at concentrations twice as much as the levels that made many consumers to stop using plastic baby bottles and water bottles made from the controversial material, a new study has shown. The highest amounts were in tomato sauce - a food often consumed by children - which had 18.2 parts per billion. [...]
- Pesticides on fruit and veg 'are wrecking men's fertility', By Fiona Macrae, MailOnline, 23.02.2011
Pesticides found on fruit and vegetables could be doing untold damage to male fertility, research suggests. Thirty of 37 crop chemicals tested interfered with the action of testosterone, the sex hormone critical to a healthy male reproductive system. Worryingly, 16 of the 30 had not previously been linked with hormone disruption [...] Environmental campaigners say the effects could be particularly severe in the womb, with lack of testosterone feminising unborn boys, raising their odds of reproductive defects at birth and low sperm counts and testicular cancer in later life. [...] - 'Dirty dozen' produce carries more pesticide residue, Toxic America group says, 01.06.2010
High Fructose Corn Sirup (HFCS)
- Video: Sugar - The Bitter Truth (01:28:29)
Robert H. Lustig, MD, UCSF Professor of Pediatrics in the Division of Endocrinology, explores the damage caused by sugary foods. He argues that fructose (too much) and fiber (not enough) appear to be cornerstones of the obesity epidemic through their effects on insulin. Series: UCSF Mini Medical School for the Public [7/2009] [Health and Medicine] [Show ID: 16717]
- Corn Industry Wants to Make Corn Syrup Sound a Little Sweeter, 15.09.2010
- High-Fructose Corn Syrup Linked to Pancreatic Cancer, 13.08.2010
[...] The study found that pancreatic tumor cells metabolized fructose differently than glucose and that the cancer cells "readily metabolized fructose to increase proliferation.[...]
- Fluoride is Classified as a Neurotoxin - Study Proves: This Everyday Drink Lowers Your IQ, Mercola, 12.08.2011
[...] While the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) would have us all believe that fluoride is perfectly innocuous and safe, scientists from the EPA's National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory have classified fluoride as a "chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity".2 Consistent with the EPA's conclusion, a continually growing body of human and animal research strongly suggests that fluoride can damage the developing brain. [...] - EU: Belgisches Fluorid-Verbot rechtswidrig, ,01.08.2002
Das erst in dieser Woche bekannt gegebene Verbot für bestimmte Fluorid-Produkte in Belgien könnte nur von kurzer Dauer sein. EU-Recht verbietet in Zukunft solche Alleingänge. Thema: Belgien will Fluor-Präparate verbieten [...]
- Wikipedia: Fluoride.Toxikologie
"... Wasserlösliche Fluoride sind als giftig eingestuft. Die Giftwirkung beruht dabei teils auf der Ausfällung des vom Stoffwechsel benötigten Calcium als Calciumfluorid, teils aus der Wirkung als Protoplasma- und Zellgift, das bestimmte Enzymsysteme und die Proteinsynthese hemmt.[...] Eine chronische Aufnahme auch geringer Mengen kann zu einer Vergiftung (Fluorose) führen, die sich in Schädigungen des Skeletts, der Zähne, der Lungenfunktion, der Haut und in Stoffwechselstörungen äußert." - Wikipedia, Fluoridierung
"... Fluoride und ihre Komplexsalze sind giftig. ..."
- Video: Mord durch fluoridhaltige Zahncreme, CSI LAs Vegas In dieser CSI LAs Vegas Folge wird beschrieben, wie jemand mit fluoridhaltiger Zahncreme umgebracht wird, die tödliche Dosis wird genau ausgerechnet [...]
- Docu: "Fire Water" - Australia’s Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace’ Video: "Fire Water"
- A Sapphire Eyes Productions documentary, exposing the systematic industrial waste poisoning of Australian drinking water supplies.
This is a documentary that interviews concerned Australians as to the health dangers of water fluoridation. It discusses and exposes the fraud behind mandatory water fluoridation, perpetrated on the Australian people. 'Fire Water' clearly demonstrates that toxic industrial waste is being used to 'fluoridate' Australia's drinking water supplies, forcibly. [...]
- A Sapphire Eyes Productions documentary, exposing the systematic industrial waste poisoning of Australian drinking water supplies.
Risiken Homogenisierter Milch
Articles, Various
- Krebsgefahr durch Schimmel in Mehl-Lastern, ZDF, 18.07.2011
Mehl aus den Tanks von Lebensmitteltransportern ist häufig mit Schimmelsporen durchsetzt. Grund für die Schimmelbelastung ist die unzureichende Reinigung der Transporter. Die Schimmelgifte, so genannte Mykotoxine, können beim Menschen Krebs hervorrufen. [...] - WISO Gefahr aus der Sonnenmilch? - Forscher: Chemische UV-Filtersubstanzen sollen in Muttermilch gelangen, 18.07.2011
Sonnenmilch schützt vor gefährlichen UV-Strahlen. Wer Hautkrebs verhindern will, schmiert sich daher vor dem Sonnenbaden gründlich ein. Den meisten Menschen ist jedoch nicht bewusst, dass die in den Lotionen enthaltenen chemischen UV-Filter auch hormonell wirksam sein können. Schweizer Forscher gehen von einer Gefahr für werdende Mütter aus, die Industrie widerspricht. [...] - WISO Mit Gift spielen - Puzzle-Matten im Kinderzimmer, 18.07.2011
[...]Denn viele enthalten "Formamid", ein geruchloser Stoff, der über die Atemwege und die Haut beim Spielen aufgenommen wird und die Fruchtbarkeit beeinträchtigen kann. - Cancer rise and sperm quality fall 'due to chemicals', 04.03.2011
Sperm quality significantly deteriorated and testicular cancers increased over recent years, a Finnish study says. [...] Total sperm counts were 227m for men born in 1979-81, 202m for those born in 1982-83 and 165m for men born in 1987, respectively.
- Hairspray linked to boys’ birth defect, The Times, 22.11.2008 [...] Researchers suggest that hairspray and hypospadias may be linked because of chemicals in the aerosol known as phthalates.
- TSA Admits Bungling of Airport Body-Scanner Radiation Tests, 15.03.2011
[...] The Transportation Security Administration is re-analyzing the radiation levels of X-ray body scanners installed in airports nationwide, after testing produced dramatically higher-than-expected results.
Vaccines, Impfungen
(links auf eigene Gefahr nutzen und immer selbst kritisch hinterfragen !!!!)
relates to
CO2-ClimateChange-Agenda/Eugenics is alive disguised as UN/Population Control, Saving the Planet
- Vortrag: Dr. Johann Loibner - Impfen: Ursprung und Geschichte (01:05:08)
- Vortrag: Anita-Petek-Dimmer - Impfungen: Sinn oder Unsinn, 2008 (01:51:56)
Woher kommt die Impfung? Wer hat’s erfunden? - Auf der Anti-Zensur-Koalitions-Konferenz im Herbst 2008 in Frauenfeld in der Schweiz hielt Frau Anita Petek-Dimmer einen Fachvortrag über ca. 75 Minuten zum Thema Impfung. [...] - Vortrag: Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda, David Ayoub, M.D. (01h:33m)
- Video: Brain Neuron Degeneration via Mercury (04:24)
- Video: Vaccine Wake-up Call for Parents: Your Children Are Being Taken, 06.09.2011
There truth is that modern medicine even went so far as to change the defintion of polio to hide the fact the vaccine failed to work. [1]
- ...zum Thema Impfen
- Narcolepsy link to swine flu vaccine established - victims to get compensation, HELSINGIN SANOMAT - INTERNATIONAL EDITION, 2011
- Autismus, Quecksilber, Impfungen, "impf-report", Ausgabe Nr. 42/43, Mai/Juni 2008
- Quecksilber/Thiomersal, / Beiträge zu einer differenzierten Impfentscheidung
- When Vaccine-Induced Antibodies Go Against Your Body, By Gabriel O’Hara, Wise Up Journal, 2011
- Science of Vaccine Damage A team at Purdue University School of Veterinary Medicine conducted several studies to determine if vaccines can cause changes in the immune system of dogs that might lead to life-threatening immune-mediated diseases. [...]
- Revisiting James Murdoch, Brian Deer, The Sunday Times, GlaxoSmithKline and the Attack on Vaccine Whistleblower Andrew Wakefield, 19.07.2011
- Are New Vaccines Laced with Birth-Control Drugs?
- 60 Lab Studies Now Confirm Cancer Link to a Vaccine You Probably Had as a Child, Dr. Mercola, 18.02.2011
Dont forget to have a look at the comment section for further Information, for instance about Gardasil "HPV Vaccine Now Routine for Boys as Well..." Video (alternative Link): Dr. Maurice Hillerman confesses Cancer & other Viruses is found in Vaccines - Swine Flu Vaccines May Cause Narcolepsy, Study Explains, Daily Health Report, 03.02.2011
- Swine flu vaccine likely causes child narcolepsy: study, 01.02.2011 [...] The institute stressed in its preliminary study that more investigation was needed, but said young people aged four to 19 had a "manifold increased risk of falling ill with narcolepsy" if they had been inoculated against swine flu with Pandemrix. [...]
- CHILD FLU VACCINE CONTAINS MERCURY - Thimerosal is Back in Vaccines-UK, 09.01.2011
- US,Indianapolis: Students sent home for lack of proof of shots - 19.10.2010
- What is In the Flu Vaccine that Can Cause Infertility?, 15.10.2010
GlaxoSmithKline's Fluarix swine flu vaccine, among others, contains Polysorbate 80, also known as Tween 80. A study done in Slovakia on female rats found that when newborn rats were injected with the substance within a week of birth, they developed damage to the vagina and uterine lining, hormonal changes, ovarian deformities and infertility. [...] - A flu jab too close for comfort, 29.09.2010
Just hours after a doctor jabbed Sharron Coppin's children with a world-first flu vaccine, her three-year-old daughter Alivia turned purple.[...]"I just took the doctor's word. And the doctor obviously trusted that the government had done all the testing. If I had known it hadn't been tested, I would never have let my kids be used as guinea pigs. I was trying to protect them, not put them in harm's way." - Family to Receive $1.5M+ in First-Ever Vaccine-Autism Court Award, 09.09.2010
[...] Then, in July 2000, she was vaccinated against nine diseases in one doctor's visit: measles, mumps, rubella, polio, varicella, diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, and Haemophilus influenzae.Afterward, her health declined rapidly. She developed high fevers, stopped eating, didn't respond when spoken to, began showing signs of autism, and began having screaming fits. In 2002, Hannah's parents filed an autism claim in federal vaccine court. Five years later, the government settled the case before trial and had it sealed. It's taken more than two years for both sides to agree on how much Hannah will be compensated for her injuries.[...] - Does Gardasil Actually Increase Your Risk of Cervical Cancer?, Dr. Mercola, 20.07.2010
- Study Confirms Autism Boom - Correlates with Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines, 23.04.2010
- BBC: Polio Vaccine Gave Cancer Causing Virus (SV40) To Millions, 07.01.2010
- [ Vaccine Induced Inflammation Linked to Epidemic of Type 2 Diabetes and
Metabolic Syndrome - Japanese and Other Ethnic Minorities at Increased Risk, Press Release, Reuters, 04.04.2008]
- Brain-Eating Bugs The Vaccine Connection, CONTAMINATION OF BIOLOGICALS, INCLUDING VACCINES, by Viera Scheibner Ph.D, 1999
Articles, forced Vaccination
Fear Mongering - getting conditioned
Global Power Structure
- Video: "The Capstone That Killed JFK and The Speech That Sealed His Fate", Alan Watt, 07.2006 Transcript
UN - United Nations
- Complete Transcript: Moammar Gadhafi Speech to the UN General Assembly, 23.09.2009
Note: United Nations removed the English transcript of his speech from its website and western media removed the transcript from all types of media resources. MetaExistence Organization made an effort to restore the original transcript from his video speech. Gaddafi showed a actual evil face of UN and security council to the world. [...]
- So berichten SpiegelOnline über die Rede:
Monolog vor Uno-Vollversammlung, Übersetzer brach während Gaddafi-Rede zusammen, 26.09.2009
Eklat in New York, Gaddafi-Wutrede empört Uno-Delegierte, 23.09.2011
- So berichten SpiegelOnline über die Rede:
- Noam Chomsky - The Contours of World Order: Fifty Years of the United Nations, 23.10.1995
Renouned linguist and leading critic of US foreign policy, Noam Chomsky, speaks in Olympia, Washington, discussing the fiftieth anniversary of the United Nations.
- UN rejects water as basic human right,, 25.03.2008
[...] Instead, a special resolution proposed by Germany and Spain at the UN human rights council was stripped of references that recognized access to water as a human right. [...]
EU - European Union
- The information on this website marks the beginning of the end of the undemocratic experiment of the “Brussels EU.” The immediate and fierce reactions to this exposé of the historic roots of the “Brussels EU” on the Nazi drawing boards leave no doubt: the construct of the “Brussels EU” cannot survive the publication of information on this website. [...]
(Secret) EU’s ‘wise men’ group
- Details emerge of EU’s ‘wise men’ group report, 07.05.2010
With a 9 May deadline fast approaching for the EU's 'group of wise men' to submit its report on the challenges facing Europe until 2030, EurActiv has gained an insight into the team's secretive work over the past 18 months. - Spain's Gonzalez to chair EU "wise men" group, 14.12.2007
(Reuters) - European Union leaders on Friday named former Spanish Prime Minister Felipe Gonzalez to head a new "reflection group" to discuss the long-term future of the 27-nation bloc. [...] The panel will also look at issues such as energy, climate change and justice matters. It is due to report its findings to EU leaders in June 2010. - BBC.Europe'Wise men' unveil controversial EU plans, 18.10.1999
- Centre for European Reform, Juli 2007
- Centre for Euro-China Reform--Embracing the "Dragon" Partnership
- Asia and Europe: Engaging for a Post-Crisis World,, 2011, pdf
- Herman Van Rompuy: 'Euroscepticism leads to war', 10.11.2010
Euroscepticism leads to war and a rising tide of nationalism is the European Union's "biggest enemy", Herman Van Rompuy, the president of Europe has told a Berlin audience. [...] Mr Van Rompuy linked hostility to the EU, and the idea that countries could leave the Union, to a revival of aggressive nationalism. [...] - European Parliament to ban Eurosceptic groups, the Telegraph,By Bruno Waterfield, 27.05.2008
Plans to eliminate Eurosceptics as an organised opposition within the European Parliament are expected to be agreed by a majority of MEPs this summer. [...]
- Online forschen - Das Netz ist die Hölle der neuen Welt,Interview mit Bazon Brock, FAZ, 03. August 2011
[...] Wir waren vor Jahren viel weiter und haben gesagt, dass das, was die Lager der totalitär-faschistischen Regime, des stalinistischen oder des Hitler-Regimes waren, jetzt, als Weltlager, das Netz geworden ist. Und es ist extrem gefährlich geworden, dort überhaupt in die Akten zu kommen, auffindbar zu sein. Wir wissen, wie delikat der Datenmissbrauch ist, wie hoch die Erpressungsmöglichkeiten liegen, nicht nur von Kriminellen, sondern auch von den eigenen Regierungen und den eigenen Institutionen.[...] Ein Netz ohne personale Beziehungen, ohne Verantwortung, ohne Verantwortungsbereitschaft, ohne Kontrolle der jeweiligen Geistesgegenwart kann man nicht sinnvoll nutzen. Im Übrigen ist alle Kommunikation auch abgehoben auf den Genuss der Anwesenheit des anderen. [...]
- U.S. funding tech firms that help Mideast dissidents evade government censors, The Washington Post, 10.03.2011
- Internet 'kill switch' bill gets a makeover, 18.02.2011 [...] The Electronic Frontier Foundation said today that it continues to have concerns about the Lieberman-Collins bill. "The president would have essentially unchecked power to determine what services can be connected to the Internet or even what content can pass over the Internet in a cybersecurity emergency," said EFF Senior Staff Attorney Kevin Bankston. "Our concerns have not changed." [...]
- Twenty reasons why it's kicking off everywhere, 05.02.2011 We've had revolution in Tunisia, Egypt's Mubarak is teetering; in Yemen, Jordan and Syria suddenly protests have appeared. In Ireland young techno-savvy professionals are agitating for a "Second Republic"; in France the youth from banlieues battled police on the streets to defend the retirement rights of 60-year olds; in Greece striking and rioting have become a national pastime. And in Britain we've had riots and student occupations that changed the political mood. What's going on? What's the wider social dynamic? [...]
- We have entered an age of constant conflict. Information is at once our core commodity and the most destabilizing factor of our time. Until now, history has been a quest to acquire information; today, the challenge lies in managing information. Those of us who can sort, digest, synthesize, and apply relevant knowledge soar--professionally, financially, politically, militarily, and socially. We, the winners, are a minority.
For the world masses, devastated by information they cannot manage or effectively interpret, life is "nasty, brutish . . . and short-circuited." The general pace of change is overwhelming, and information is both the motor and signifier of change. Those humans, in every country and region, who cannot understand the new world, or who cannot profit from its uncertainties, or who cannot reconcile themselves to its dynamics, will become the violent enemies of their inadequate governments, of their more fortunate neighbors, and ultimately of the United States. We are entering a new American century, in which we will become still wealthier, culturally more lethal, and increasingly powerful. We will excite hatreds without precedent.[...]
- We have entered an age of constant conflict. Information is at once our core commodity and the most destabilizing factor of our time. Until now, history has been a quest to acquire information; today, the challenge lies in managing information. Those of us who can sort, digest, synthesize, and apply relevant knowledge soar--professionally, financially, politically, militarily, and socially. We, the winners, are a minority.
- Video: FACEBOOK: Federal Human Data Mining Program - Putting your Privacy at Risk, 22.06.2007
Big Brother is watching you online. Everything you post is being saved and recorded in a national database file on you. They're called profiles for a reason. With facial recognition software and google street view camera they know where you are all the time.
- New cyber attack fears over the Chinese ‘Red Army lab’ being used for BT broadband tests, 13.03.2011
- Proposal for cyber war rules of engagement, BBC, 03.02.2011 [...] The cyber proposal, seen exclusively by Newsnight, comes from the influential EastWest Institute in New York. It describes "rendering the Geneva and Hague conventions in cyberspace". Cyber security is on the agenda at the annual Munich Security Conference for the first time this year. [...] The draft document also calls for a fresh definition of "nation state", with new "territories" and players in cyberspace beyond government - such as multinationals, NGOs and citizens. [...]
- Dominant Cyber Offensive Engagement and Supporting Technology, Agency: Department of the Air Force, 2008
Cass Sunstein - kognitive Infiltration
- Video: Cass Sunstein - Cognitive Infiltration
- Nihilists of The World Unite: Wikileaks Is The “Cognitive Infiltration” Operation Demanded by Cass Sunstein, Webster G. Tarpley, 20.01.2011
[...] This is the same Sunstein who today heads Obama’s White House Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs. In his January 2008 Harvard Law School Working Paper entitled “Conspiracy Theories,” Sunstein infamously demanded that the United States government deploy groups of covert operatives and pseudo-independent agents of influence for the “cognitively infiltration of extremist groups” – meaning organizations, activists and Internet websites who espouse beliefs which Sunstein chooses to classify as “false conspiracy theories.” - The Trouble with Cass Sunstein, Matthew Vadum, Canada Free Press, 28.07.2009
Internet /Social Media
- Google, Apple collect location data from computers, 27.04.2011
- Video: iPhone Tracking Discussion, 20.04.2011 Pete Warden and Alasdair Allan talking about how they discovered the existence of the tracking database on the iPhone
- Video:CIA's "Facebook" Program Dramatically Cut Agency's Costs, from Onion News Network Season 1 Episode 9
- Revealed: US spy operation that manipulates social media, UK/Guardian, 17.03.2011
Military's 'sock puppet' software creates fake online identities to spread pro-American propaganda - George Washington, "The Empire 'Fights the Net'" , 20.02.2011
[...] "I noted in 2009, in an article entitled "Does The Government Manipulate Social Media?": "The U.S. government long ago announced its intention to "fight the net". As revealed by an official Pentagon report signed by Rumsfeld called "Information Operations Roadmap": 'The roadmap contains an acknowledgement that information put out as part of the military's psychological operations, or Psyops, is finding its way onto the computer and television screens of ordinary Americans.[...] - UPDATED: The HB Gary Email That Should Concern Us All - Government Agencies and "Sockpuppets", 16.02.2011
[...] According to an embedded MS Word document found in one of the HBGary emails, it involves creating an army of sockpuppets, with sophisticated "persona management" software that allows a small team of only a few people to appear to be many, while keeping the personas from accidentally cross-contaminating each other. Then, to top it off, the team can actually automate some functions so one persona can appear to be an entire Brooks Brothers riot online. [...] And all of this is for the purposes of infiltration, data mining, and (here's the one that really worries me) ganging up on bloggers, commenters and otherwise "real" people to smear enemies and distort the truth. [...] - Generation net: The youngsters who prefer their virtual lives to the real world, Mail Online, 08.02.2011
- Social networking under fresh attack as tide of cyber-scepticism sweeps US, 22.01.2011
[...] Turkle's thesis is simple: technology is threatening to dominate our lives and make us less human. Under the illusion of allowing us to communicate better, it is actually isolating us from real human interactions in a cyber-reality that is a poor imitation of the real world. [...]
Internet - NeuroScience, Changed Perception and Thinking
- How the Internet is making us stupid, 27.08.2010
Nicholas Carr, author of The Shallows, asks if the Internet is changing the way we think. - Screening out the empathy, 03.09.2010
[...] As the online world continues to expand, Oxford University's Baroness Professor Susan Greenfield has warned excessive screen culture may be changing the way our brains are wired.[...]'It's wonderful that we might have high IQs, not be risk-averse, have good short-term memories … but in a sense we're turning ourselves into efficient computers, the professor of pharmacology said. But what we do that computers don't do is be very creative and have insights. I would be very sad if the next generation wasn't given the opportunity to do those things. - Modern technology is changing the way our brains work, says neuroscientist, By SUSAN GREENFIELD, MailOnline, 09.05.2008
[...] Electronic devices and pharmaceutical drugs all have an impact on the micro- cellular structure and complex biochemistry of our brains. And that, in turn, affects our personality, our behaviour and our characteristics. In short, the modern world could well be altering our human identity. [...] But with our brains now under such widespread attack from the modern world, there's a danger that that cherished sense of self could be diminished or even lost. [...]
Internet - Control and Surveillance
- Mexican Newspaper Uncovers Systemic Monitoring Plans of Public Online Sources, EFF Electronic Frontier Foundation, 03.08.2011
Two weeks ago, the Mexican newspaper El Milenio reported on a U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Office of Operations Coordination and Planning (OPC) initiative to monitor social media sites, blogs, and forums throughout the world. The document, obtained by El Milenio through a U.S. Freedom of Information Act request, discloses how OPC’s National Operations Center (NOC) plans to initiate systematic monitoring of publicly available online data including “information posted by individual account users” on social media. [...] - Biometrics, Face recognition software may reveal one’s social security number, 03.08.2011
Researchers demonstrate ability to predict social security numbers from people's faces; "When we share tagged photos of ourselves online, it becomes possible for others to link our face to our names in situations where we would normally expect anonymity," one of the researchers said [...] - Google acquires facial biometric company, 02.08.2011
Following Facebook's decision to implement biometric facial recognition software, Google has acquired a company to boost its facial recognition capabilities; the search giant recently purchasd Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition (PittPatt), which develops technology that can search images and videos for a specific face Google acquires facial biometric company [...] - US:Congress Using Child Porn Bill As Trojan Horse To Spy On Everyone’s Internet, 29.07.2011
- UK, Home Office plans to create 'Big brother' database for phones calls, emails and web use, By Andy Bloxham, The Telegraph, 20.05.2008
The Home Office will create a database to store the details of every phone call made, every email sent and every web page visited by British citizens in the previous year under plans currently under discussion, it has emerged. The Government wants to create the system to fight terrorism and crime. The police and security services believe it will make it easier to access important data as communications become more complex. [...] - Air Force Seeks Full Spectrum Dominance Over "Any And All" Computers - "Dominant Cyber Offensive Engagement" plans announced, 14.05.2008
- Duncan Campbell – “NSA Had Access Built into Microsoft Windows”, 27.03.2008
Internet - Privacy / PostPrivacy
- Germany: Facebook Like button violates privacy laws, by Emil Protalinski, 19.08.2011 A German privacy group says use of the Facebook Like button leads to profiling that infringes German and European data protection law [...]
- Buch: Wolfgang Sofsky: Verteidigung des privaten: Eine Streitschrift - Wolfgang Sofsky, Neue Rundschau, 2009
Wolfgang Sofsky [...] Die Zerstörung der Privaten ist seit Jahren in vollem Gange. Die Aufregung über Datendiebstahl, heimliche Personal- und Telefonüberwachung, extensive Polizeifahndung oder umfassende Sicherheitskontrollen währt immer nur kurz. Sie bedeutet kaum mehr als ein kurzes Aufschrecken aus dem Tiefschlaf kollektiver Bequemlichkeit. Den allermeisten Untertanen ist es längst selbstverständlich, registriert, ausgespäht, bevormundet und immerfort beschwichtigt zu werden. Unbedingt möchten sie an die Versprechen der Obrigkeit glauben. Unter dem Vorwand, für Bildung, Volksgesundheit und soziale Gerechtigkeit zu sorgen, forscht sie die Untertanen aus, dokumentiert Auffälligkeiten und überzieht ihr Leben mit Verboten und Vorschriften. Leichtfertig glaubt der Bürger an Warnungen vor “abstrakten” Terrorgefahren, mit denen der Sicherheitsapparat die Alltagsspionage zu begründen pflegt. Die Entwicklung zum Präventionsstaat scheint unaufhaltsam. [...]
- Al Franken: ‘They're coming after the Internet’, 14.03.2011
"Sen. Al Franken claimed Monday that big corporations are "hoping to destroy" the Internet and issued a call to arms to several hundred tech-savvy South by Southwest attendees to preserve net neutrality. [...]
I came here to warn you, the party may be over," Franken said. "They're coming after the Internet hoping to destroy the very thing that makes it such an important [medium] for independent artists and entrepreneurs: its openness and freedom.”
RFID, ID Cards
- China to issue RFID embedded ID cards, 11.08.2007
In 2006 China’s Ministry of Public Security announced plans to issue 1.3 billion cards utilizing RFID technology. The vice president for investor relations at China Public Security Technology, Michael Lin states that, “If they do not get the permanent card, they cannot live here, they cannot get government benefits, and that is a way for the government to control the population in the future.” [...]
Internet - Future Visions
New World Order (NWO) - The Open Conspiracy
- Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 1.flv
Antony Sutton - Wall Street & Bolshevik Revolution Part 2.flv
- Video: Norman Dodd On Tax Exempt Foundations (50:32)
Norman Dodd was interviewed in 1982 by G. Edward Griffin regarding the time he spent as the head researcher for the Reece Committee. This is a truly eye opening look into what the tax exempt foundations are doing in the United States - their attempt to merge the Soviet System of Government with the USA.(1953)
- Webster Tarpley: The Elite's Plan for Global Extermination (FL-HD) (55:10)
- John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet - EcoScience(1977) Book he authored in 1977 advocates for extreme totalitarian measures to control the population
Please see also Benutzer:Seahorse/CO2-ClimateChange-Agenda.Population Reduction - Eugenics is alive disguised as UN/Population Control, Saving the Planet - Video: Cass Sunstein - Cognitive Infiltration
- pdf: NSSM 200,"National Security Study Memorandum, Implications of Worldwide Population Growth For U.S. Security and Overseas Interests (THE KISSINGER REPORT), 10.12.1974
pdf: NSSM 200 Cover Letter, 24.04.1974
Eine Zusammenhang und erschreckende Parallelen zwischen dem NSSM200 und der weltweiten von Bill Gates massiv finanzierte GAVI-Alliance stellt folgender Vortrag her (im letzten Drittel): *Vortrag: Mercury, Autism and the Global Vaccine Agenda, David Ayoub, M.D. (01h:33m) - Eugenics for Kids: Overpopulation is Stealing Our Future
Population Decline is Part of the Solution - Benutzer:Seahorse/CO2-ClimateChange-Agenda.The Green-Agenda "...would fit the bill."
- Benutzer:Seahorse/CO2-ClimateChange-Agenda.Population Reduction - Eugenics is alive disguised as UN/Population Control, Saving the Planet
- Benutzer:Seahorse/CO2-ClimateChange-Agenda.Carbon Tax, Trading, Investments, Carbon/Energy Rationing
- John Holdren, Obama's Science Czar, says: Forced abortions and mass sterilization needed to save the planet - EcoScience(1977) Book he authored in 1977 advocates for extreme totalitarian measures to control the population
- Webster Tarpley: Royals and Obama. (01:13:19) ...bin kein Fan von Alex Jones, die Ausführungen von Webster Tarpley sind aber sehr gut. Website von Webster G Tarpley, Webster: World Crisis Radio (weekly Podcast)
- G. Edward Griffin - The Collectivist Conspiracy (01:24:56) .(... ich (seahorse) bin kein Fan von Ron Paul!!!) In this exclusive 80 minute video interview, legendary conspiracy author G. Edward Griffin explains how his research, which spans no less than 5 decades, has revealed a banking elite obsessed with enforcing a world government under a collectivist model that will crush individualism and eventually institute martial law as a response to the inevitable backlash that will be generated as a result of a fundamental re-shaping of society. [...]
Carroll Quigley, Georgetown University Professor and mentor to former president Bill Clinton, explained in his books Tragedy and Hope and The Anglo-American Establishment, how the elite maintained a silent dictatorship while fooling people into thinking they had political freedom, by creating squabbles between the two parties in terms of slogans and leadership, while all the time controlling both from the top down and pursuing the same agenda [...]
Future of Society
Science Fiction
- Plot: Set in a dystopian future, 2017, ex-army officer John Henry Brennick (Christopher Lambert) and his wife Karen (Loryn Locklin) are attempting to cross the border into Mexico to have a second child. Strict one-child policies forbid a second pregnancy, but the couple believe they are justified because their first child died at birth.
Brennick is caught (Karen escapes initially) and is sentenced to 31 years in a private maximum security prison run by the "MenTel Corporation". The prison is very high security, and to maintain discipline, all inmates are implanted with "Intestinators" which cause pain if they become violent, or have minor violations or death, in the case of escapes. The prison is co-run by Director Poe, who oversees Zed-10, a computer that monitors day-to-day activities and represents MenTel. [...] en.Wikipedia
- Plot: Set in a dystopian future, 2017, ex-army officer John Henry Brennick (Christopher Lambert) and his wife Karen (Loryn Locklin) are attempting to cross the border into Mexico to have a second child. Strict one-child policies forbid a second pregnancy, but the couple believe they are justified because their first child died at birth.
- "...we must maintain Population Balance... " Ich glaube, das habe ich schon mal gehört:
Eugenics for Kids: Overpopulation is Stealing Our Future
CO2-ClimateChange-Agenda.Population Reduction - Eugenics is alive disguised as UN/Population Control, Saving the Planet
- "...we must maintain Population Balance... " Ich glaube, das habe ich schon mal gehört:
International Banking Crisis, Global Financial System, Derivatives
Deutschland, mangelnde Demokratie"
- Rechtsanwalt Dominik Storr bei Maischerberger - Nichtwählen als Option, 23.9.2009 (1/4)
- Video: Politische Situation - Jo Conrad redet mit RA Dominik Storr (1/3)
Neo-Marxist Frankfurt School
- Video: EU-Frankfurt School Neo-Marxism (10:51)
Simon Darby discusses Frankfurt School Neo-Marxism and the impact on British society with Nick Griffin MEP. - Video: 06. ORIGINAL INTENT - The Frankfurt School (09:40)
- Video: Frankfurt school of political correctness, immigration, anti-fascism cultural marxism freudian (09:55)
- Interview: Marcuse on the Frankfurt School: Section
Gender Mainstreamin, Feminismus, Sex Revolution
- Feminismus: Die Endlösung der Männerfrage Feminismus und Faschismus: Zwei Seiten derselben Medaille? Die Textrecherche zeigt: Beide Ideologien fordern auf zum Massenmord, zum Genozid an Mensch und Mann. [...]
- Lecture: Marxist Roots of Radical Feminism
The Goddess That Failed - The Marxist Roots of Radical Feminism by Valdas Anelauskas. Given at The Pacifica Forum in Eugene Oregon. A critique of radical feminism and its roots in the Critical Theory of the Marxist Frankfurt School.
- The Kinsey Syndrome
The Kinsey Syndrome unfolds the work and influence of Dr. Alfred Kinsey, considered to be "the father of the sexual revolution." But did Kinsey liberate America from its prudish view of sex? Or help to unleash the horrors of our present society? In der Dokumentation wird auch immer wieder die Rolle von einflußreichen Foundations bei der Finanzierung von Kinseys Forschung und der Änderung der amerikansiche Gesetzgebung und der Sex-Education eingegangen (zB The Kinsey Syndrome 2/17 ab 8min)
Bildung, Education-System
- mp3: John Taylor Gatto - A History on What Schooling is Really all About (01:03:23)
- Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt
Propaganda, Predicitve Programming, Control and Culture Creation
- Docu: Reel Bad Arabs (50:10) Hollywood's relentless vilification of Arabs
- Docu: Starsuckers (01:40:33)
Starsuckers is a feature documentary about the celebrity obsessed media, that uncovers the real reasons behind our addiction to fame and blows the lid on the corporations and individuals who profit from it.
Chris Atkins presents Starsuckers as a series of five lessons on fame in the modern world: (1) how children are persuaded that fame is something they want, (2) how television and the media reinforces the importance of celebrity and the efforts to attain it, (3) how the mind and body reinforces our need to follow the activities of well-known people and strive to join their number, (4) how the press became addicted to celebrity coverage, and (5) how the art of promoting fame has led to celebrities and their handlers controlling the press instead of the press having say. [...]
- Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation, Part I, 08.05.2008
[...] It is the first week of August, 1964, and U.S. warships under the command of U.S. Navy Admiral George Stephen Morrison have allegedly come under attack while patrolling Vietnam’s Tonkin Gulf. This event, subsequently dubbed the ‘Tonkin Gulf Incident,’ will result in the immediate passing by the U.S. Congress of the obviously pre-drafted Tonkin Gulf Resolution, which will, in turn, quickly lead to America’s deep immersion into the bloody Vietnam quagmire. Before it is over, well over fifty thousand American bodies – along with literally millions of Southeast Asian bodies – will litter the battlefields of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia.
[...] Meanwhile, elsewhere in the world in those early months of 1965, a new ‘scene’ is just beginning to take shape in the city of Los Angeles. In a geographically and socially isolated community known as Laurel Canyon – a heavily wooded, rustic, serene, yet vaguely ominous slice of LA nestled in the hills that separate the Los Angeles basin from the San Fernando Valley – musicians, singers and songwriters suddenly begin to gather as though summoned there by some unseen Pied Piper. Within months, the ‘hippie/flower child’ movement will be given birth there, along with the new style of music that will provide the soundtrack for the tumultuous second half of the 1960s.
[...]One of the earliest on the Laurel Canyon/Sunset Strip scene is Jim Morrison, the enigmatic lead singer of The Doors. Jim will quickly become one of the most iconic, controversial, critically acclaimed, and influential figures to take up residence in Laurel Canyon. Curiously enough though, the self-proclaimed “Lizard King” has another claim to fame as well, albeit one that none of his numerous chroniclers will feel is of much relevance to his career and possible untimely death: he is the son, as it turns out, of the aforementioned Admiral George Stephen Morrison.
- Inside The LC: The Strange but Mostly True Story of Laurel Canyon and the Birth of the Hippie Generation, Part I, 08.05.2008
Propaganda - Subversion, Contamination
- Interview: Yuri Bezmenov - ex-KGB explaining take down from within (1985)
- Video: Yuri Bezmenov, The Subversion Process (1985)
Description: (International version) Yuri Bezmenov, a.k.a. Tomas Schuman, soviet KGB defector, explains in detail his scheme for the KGB process of subversion and takeover of target societies at a lecture in Los Angeles, 1983. An essential lesson in political science. [...]
Feminization of Male, Androgynity - heading for Transhumanism
- Here comes the 'femiman' bride: Jean Paul Gaultier's male muse is the star of the Couture (and menswear) show, 31.01.2011
- America's Next Top Model" Has Transgender Contestant Isis, 13.09.2008
Gender / Sexualising / Equality and Diversity Industry
- No sex (questions) please, we're British! Town hall snoopers get personal in intrusive 'diversity' questionnaires, 18.07.2011
- “Schools need to teach about orgasms” says US teachers union to UN, 03.03.2011
[...] “Oral sex, masturbation, and orgasms need to be taught in education,” Diane Schneider told the audience at a panel on combating homophobia and transphobia. Schneider, representing the National Education Association (NEA), the largest teachers union in the US, advocated for more “inclusive” sex education in US schools, with curricula based on liberal hetero and homosexual expression. She claimed that the idea of sex education remains an oxymoron if it is abstinence-based, or if students are still able to opt-out. [...]
Globale Banking/Monetary/Financial System
Lower (Zero) Bound Restriction
- Willem Buiter: Negative interest rates: when are they coming to a central bank near you?, willem buiter's maverecon, 07.05.2009 Willem Buiter (en.Wikipedia)
Solutions: There are three practical ways to implement negative nominal interest rates.
(1) Abolish currency. [...]
(2) Tax currency and ‘stamp’ it to show it is ‘current on interest due’. [...]
(3) Unbundle currency from the unit of account. [...]
Banken Sonstig
- British government begins stealing its peoples’ bank deposits ahead of the global financial collapse., 08.08.2011
[...] In March of 2011 the British Prime Minister David Cameron ordered British police to execute Operation Rize - raid and seize the entire contents (art, gold ingots, gold dust, jewelery and cash) of nearly 7,000 safety deposit boxes from three vaults in London. The British government simply told Scotland Yard that the safety deposit boxes were used by criminals to store cash, guns and drugs. The British government instructed the police to arrest anyone who went to the vaults to try and recover the contents of their safety deposit boxes. Those who protested the seizure of the contents of their safety deposit boxes were to be charged with various offenses including pedophilia, money-laundering, drug-dealing and firearms possession. [...]
- pdf: Beyond the Dollar Rethinking the International Monetary System, A Chatham House Report, 03.2010
Executive Summary and Recommendations - Beyond the Dollar, Rethinking the International Monetary System
EZB, Euro-Krise
- States negotiating immunity for banks over foreclosures, Reuters, By Scot J. Paltrow, 20.07.2011 State attorneys general are negotiating to give major banks wide immunity over irregularities in handling foreclosures, even as evidence has emerged that banks are continuing to file questionable documents.[...] The Reuters report also showed continued "robo-signing," in which lenders' employees or outside contractors churn out reams of documents without fully understanding their content.[...]
- Food Stamps as a JPMorgan Growth Industry, 22.01.2011
Ressources - Corporations will run and control your live
- Citi's Top Economist Says The Water Market Will Soon Eclipse Oil, Business Insider, 21.07.2011
Willem Buiter thinks water will be bigger than oil,, 21.07.2011
I expect to see a globally integrated market for fresh water within 25 to 30 years. Once the spot markets for water are integrated, futures markets and other derivative water-based financial instruments — puts, calls, swaps — both exchange-traded and OTC will follow. There will be different grades and types of fresh water, just the way we have light sweet and heavy sour crude oil today. Water as an asset class will, in my view, become eventually the single most important physical-commodity based asset class, dwarfing oil, copper, agricultural commodities and precious metals.
- Video: Economic Hitmen (An animated interview of John Perkins)
Video: John Perkins Interview: Confessions of an Economic HIt Man, Democracy Now
Corporate Tax
- Corrporate Tax Holiday in Debt Ceiling Deal: Where's the Uproar?, by Matt Taibbi, Rolling Stone.Politics, 20.07.2011 [...] Bloomberg’s Jesse Drucker estimated that Google all by itself has saved $3.1 billion in taxes in the past three years by shifting its profits overseas. Add that to the already rampant system of loopholes and what you have is a completely broken corporate tax system. The whole thing is predicated on that dirty little secret – the notion, long known to all would-be major corporate taxpayers, that there would come a day when there would be another tax holiday.
Scientific Socialism, Dialectical Materialsm, Terror and Genocide by Communism (International Revolutionary Socialism) and National Socialism based on Darwins Theory of Evolution
- The film crew interviewed more than 20 experts - leading Western and Russian historians, members of the European Parliament, a Soviet Secret agent, a Soviet military intelligence colonel, Soviet dissidents, GULAG inmates, as well as victims of the Famine-Genocide, deportations and of other Soviet crimes.[...]
- The Bloody History of Communism 1 (35:12)
The Bloody History of Communism 2 (38:48)
The Bloody History of Communism 3 (54:54)
- Communism was the bloodiest ideology that caused more than 120 million innocent deaths in the 20th century. It was a nightmare which promised equality and justice, but which brought only bloodshed, death, torture and fear. This three-volume documentary displays the terrible savagery of communism and its underlying philosophy. From Marx to Lenin, Stalin, Mao or Pol Pot, discover how the materialist philosophy transforms humans into theorists of violence and masters of cruelty.
- This documentary presents an aspect of the theory of evolution that has so far remained hidden. It unveils the ideological links between Darwinism and the totalitarian ideologies like fascism and communism. You will see the fruits of Darwinism in the killing fields of Hitler, Stalin or Mao.
Fabian/Scientific Socialism
Utopia / Collective Society run by Experts and the Elite - Destroying Freedom of the Individual, financed by 'The Establishment' and Global Elite
- Goals of Socialism and Fabian Socialism by Stephen Pratt, 2008
- (Fabian Socialist) George Bernard Shaw and "the Humane Gas"
[...] killing off the parasite within Society [...]
Zyklon_B - Verwendung in Konzentrationslagern "[...]ist nicht mit Sicherheit nachweisbar, ob diese von Kurt Gerstein angeforderte „schonende“ Sonderform dort zur Tötung von Menschen Verwendung fand. [...]"
- The Fabian Connection and The Carbon Credit Scam
This is an 'aside ' from robert, following on from his last expose, of 'The Fabian Elite and their Not So Secret Agenda' which can be seen on SEVENLOAD.COM (search for Sirnyler and title) or GOOGLE VIDEO. Robert reveals the connection between the Fabian Elite and the Climate Scam, and also points to some useful facts surrounding the Climate Credit Scam!
- The Fabian Elite and their Not So Secret Agenda, (01:21:41)
This video discloses many little known facts surrounding the Fabian Society,who have massive influence over our Government, and most socialist Governments around the world. They are active in America, and here in the UK they act as the CFR in the USA.- as the 'power behind the 'throne' of Government. There is much to be learned from this video -it is long but stick with it as this video will join MANY dots for those researchers seeking the truth about corrupt and destructive government today.
- Video: Common Purpose Government Infiltrators Brian Gerrish (01:55:31), 15.09.15-2007
Tags: rcoones, common purpose, european union, eu, conspiracy theory, fabian society, RIIA, secret societies, tony blair, gordon brown, covert, CIB Campaign for an Independent Britain, Roger Helmer MEP, Edward Spalton, 5th column, eurosceptic, julia middleton, action now, new battle for britain, uk column, plymouth england, psychopolitics, pc, political correctness politically correct, reform treaty, government disinformation, repeal the 1972 european communities act, eec, european movement, cia, labour labor party, conservative, liberal democrats, corpus juris, habeus corpus, common law, 1992 maastricht treaty, globalisation, new world order, nwo, queen elizabeth II, civil contingencies act 2004, police state
- Video: Sustainable Development Fabian Socialists Infiltration Subversion in the UK HR (46:58), Robert Theobald
(High Resolution) Robert Theobald explains activities by some semi secret organizations to affect change in the UK and countries around the world. Societies which are not elected and are closed to outsiders and most average people in society. Using the controlled media and using ommission and bias all the news is not getting out. Listen as he explains another version of world politics. [...]
- North Korean death camps 1of2
North Korean death camps 2of2
North Korea is the perfect example of a 1984-styled colectivist society. [...] Perpetual famine and poverty keeps the people weak and easily manageable, and keeps a check on their numbers; totalitarian regimes are always scared of the 'threat' of 'overpopulation'. See, the herd might just become unmanageable, and revolution might break out.
[...] The people are kept in a state of double-think and ignorance. This is the 'plus-plus-good' regime. Where, «even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so»(this to quote Bertrand Russell, the radical modernist and Fabian socialist, who was an ardent advocate for this type of criminal regime -- read 'The Scientific Outlook' (1954, first published 1931), or 'The Impact of Science on Society' (1952) for a glimpse into the 'moderate socialism' wet dream -- North Korea).
- More Quotations from Betrand Russel's 'The Scientific Outlook' and 'The Impact of Science on Society':
(Suggested Part 00:24:00 bis 00:35:00) mp3: Educational Talk, AlanWatt, 25.12.2007, Transcript
- More Quotations from Betrand Russel's 'The Scientific Outlook' and 'The Impact of Science on Society':
- Film: Brave new world (1980)
In the future the world is perfect ["The Perfect Society"]. Everybody takes Soma. Everybody is happy. Everybody is nice. Everybody is orderly and composed. Everybody has sex every day. No violence, no problems, no feelings. Manufactured in tubes and divided by IQ, humans are produced as either an Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta or Epsilon. Alphas are tall, good-looking and smart. Epsilons short, zombielike and moronic. This new civilization lives in sheltered domes that provide them with every comfort and necessity they require, barely aware of the savage, brutal world outside, each performing the daily tasks programmed into them from birth. [...]
- George Orwell - 1984 (Audio Book)
- Film: George Orwell's 1984 - with John Hurt and Richard Burton (1984)
- Film: George Orwell's 1984 - BBC (1956)
- Video: 1984 - Apple's Macintosh Commercial
- Buch: "Wir" von Jewgenij Samjatin (1920), dystopischer Roman
Wir spielt im „Einzigen Staat“, einem Gebilde, das nach einem 200-jährigen Krieg und der „allerletzten Revolution“ entstand. Dieser Staat besteht aus einer von einer Mauer geschützten Stadt, die Häuser dieser Stadt besitzen Wände aus Glas. Heerscharen von „Beschützern“ wachen über das „Wohl“ der Einwohner, deren Leben bis zum kleinsten Handgriff reglementiert ist, über allen steht ein übermächtiger „Wohltäter“. „Nummern“ – gemeint sind Menschen –, die sich gegen diese „Fürsorge“ wehren, werden öffentlich hingerichtet. Der Einzelne zählt nicht, was zählt, ist das Kollektiv. Im Laufe des Buches wird unter anderem eine Gehirnoperation entdeckt, die das Fantasiezentrum im Menschen entfernt und somit Gedanken des Widerstands unmöglich macht. [...]
(Rezension[...] Und schon zu Beginn, beim Arbeiten und darauf folgenden Ausmarsch der Arbeiterkolonnen aus den Werken und Fabriken hat man das Gefühl, man lese das spätere Drehbuch zu Fritz Langs Film Metropolis oder sehe einen Wunschtraum des amerikanischen Monopolkapitalisten Henry Ford, der ja bekannter Weise von Taylor und der deterministischen Effizient-Bewegung bzw. dem (Scientific Management) geradezu hypnotisiert gewesen ist und in dem der Arbeiter mehr Maschine denn Mensch zu sein scheint. [...]
Privacy /PostPrivacy
- Buch: "Verteidigung des privaten: Eine Streitschrift" von Wolfgang Sofsky, C.H.Beck (2007)
Wolfgang Sofsky verteidigt in seinem neuesten Buch das Private und wehrt sich gegen die zunehmende Überwachung des Einzelnen – sei es durch den Arbeitgeber oder durch den Staat. Privatheit ist das Fundament der Freiheit, und diese Freiheit schützt vor jedweder Macht. Die Zerstörung der Privaten ist seit Jahren in vollem Gange. Die Aufregung über Datendiebstahl, heimliche Personal- und Telefonüberwachung, extensive Polizeifahndung oder umfassende Sicherheitskontrollen währt immer nur kurz. Sie bedeutet kaum mehr als ein kurzes Aufschrecken aus dem Tiefschlaf kollektiver Bequemlichkeit. Den allermeisten Untertanen ist es längst selbstverständlich, registriert, ausgespäht, bevormundet und immerfort beschwichtigt zu werden. Unbedingt möchten sie an die Versprechen der Obrigkeit glauben. Unter dem Vorwand, für Bildung, Volksgesundheit und soziale Gerechtigkeit zu sorgen, forscht sie die Untertanen aus, dokumentiert Auffälligkeiten und überzieht ihr Leben mit Verboten und Vorschriften. Leichtfertig glaubt der Bürger an Warnungen vor “abstrakten” Terrorgefahren, mit denen der Sicherheitsapparat die Alltagsspionage zu begründen pflegt. Die Entwicklung zum Präventionsstaat scheint unaufhaltsam. [...] (Rezension Neue Rundschau)
Society and Technology
- Docu: Das Netz - Lutz Dammbeck 1/12
Docu: The Net - The Unabomber. LSD and the Internet (01h:54m) "This fascinating German documentary explores the bizarre life story of Ted Kaczynski, using it as a prism for the often unexamined history of the Internet.
- Docu: Das Netz - Lutz Dammbeck 1/12
Science and "Ethics"
- Bioethics Panel Told No Guarantee Against Unethical Research, 01.03.2011
Experts say that the kind of unethical medical studies that occurred half a century ago could still happen again despite more than 1,000 rules and regulations that should prevent such abuses. - Past medical testing on humans revealed, 27.02.2011
9/11 and WTC
- Podcast: From the Fifth Edition of 9/11 Synthetic Terror: The 46 Exercises and Drills of 9/11, Webster G. Tarpley on Guns & Butter, 07.09.2011
- Podcast: Suppressed But Crucial 9/11 Evidence: “Angel Is Next,” The Invisible Government’s Ultimatum to Bush to Launch the War of Civilizations,Webster G. Tarpley on the Jeff Rense Program, 07.12.2011
- Oswald, Hinckley, Atta, Breivik — all Patsies in Drills Gone Live, Webster G. Tarpley on INN World Report, 07.12.2011
- The Last Secret of 9/11 Truth: The 46 Drills, War Games, and Operations that Made It All Happen, Webster G. Tarpley on the Kevin Barrett Show, 24.08.2011
- download Chart of 46 Drills of 9/11
- 11. September: Die dritte Wahrheit [...] Diese Dokumentation fasst den Artikel von Dimitri Khalezov (pdf) in Wort, Bild und Video zusammen, so wie er im Nexus Magazin Heft Nr. 31 zu lesen war. [...]
War on Terror
- The US-Al Qaeda Alliance: Bosnia, Kosovo and Now Libya. Washington’s On-Going Collusion with Terrorists, By Peter Dale Scott, 29.07.2011 U.S. collaboration with Muslim fundamentalists dates back to 1953, when the CIA recruited right-wing mullahs to overthrow Prime Minister Mossadeq in Iran. [...]
Libya - NATO war of aggression against a sovereign Nation-State 2011
- Video: Witness on NATO's invasion of TRIPOLI 04.09.2011 Radio interview on IRRB French service of Thierry Meyssan who was one of the Journalists in TRIPOLI during the night of the fall of Tripoli. He describes the events that he witnessed and gives us a perspective that completely contradicts what we have been hearing on mainstream media.
- Witnessing-the Transition to fear, by Lizzie Phelan,, 08.09.2011 Evacuated by the ICRC from the Rixos hotel where she had been blocked for five days, Lizzie Phelan offers her first impressions after the fall of Tripoli. Danger, death and fear reign have engulfed the capital of the "New Libya", while NATO and its collaborators are peacocking around. [...]
- Video: Gaddafi gold-for-oil, dollar-doom plans behind Libya 'mission'?, RussiaToday(RT), 05.05.2011
- Libyan rebel commander admits his fighters have al-Qaeda links, The Telegraph, By Praveen Swami, 25.03.2011
Abdel-Hakim al-Hasidi, the Libyan rebel leader, has said jihadists who fought against allied troops in Iraq are on the front lines of the battle against Muammar Gaddafi's regime.[...]
- Lügen und Medienmanipulation im Zusammenhang mit den Protesten in Syrien, Pierre Piccinin, 03.08.2011
- Positive change is coming (to Syria) What should civil society do to meet it?, by Nader Kabbani, 03.03.2010
Independence, Self-Sufficiency
- Self-Sufficiency: Universal Solution to the Globalist Problem, 11.03.2011 The Globalists' Worst Nightmare
Food, Global Agro-Business, Food Shortages
- Abstract: The commercial seed industry has undergone tremendous consolidation in the last 40 years as transnational corporations entered this agricultural sector, and acquired or merged with competing firms. This trend is associated with impacts that constrain the opportunities for renewable agriculture, such as reductions in seed lines and a declining prevalence of seed saving. To better characterize the current structure of the industry,ownership changes from 1996 to 2008 are represented visually with information graphics. Since the commercialization of transgenic crops in the mid-1990s, the sale of seeds has become dominated globally by Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta. In addition, the largest firms are increasingly networked through agreements to cross-license transgenic seed traits. [...]
Figur2: Seed Industrie Structure, 1996-2008
Figur6: Big six cross-licensing agreements for transgenic traits
- Abstract: The commercial seed industry has undergone tremendous consolidation in the last 40 years as transnational corporations entered this agricultural sector, and acquired or merged with competing firms. This trend is associated with impacts that constrain the opportunities for renewable agriculture, such as reductions in seed lines and a declining prevalence of seed saving. To better characterize the current structure of the industry,ownership changes from 1996 to 2008 are represented visually with information graphics. Since the commercialization of transgenic crops in the mid-1990s, the sale of seeds has become dominated globally by Monsanto, DuPont and Syngenta. In addition, the largest firms are increasingly networked through agreements to cross-license transgenic seed traits. [...]
- Zusammenschluss von Saatgutkonzernen führt zu weltweiter Herrschaft über die Nahrungsmittelversorgung, by Ethan A. Huff, KoppOnline, 31.07.2011
- Food Speculation Behind Food Riots in North Africa, 09.02.2011 Africa has gone from being a net exporter of food in the 70s to a massive food importer , around 55 per cent of the developing world are net food importers and almost all countries in Africa are now net importers of cereals , this means they are huge relians on the world food prices for their staple foods and higher prices has a direct impact on their ability to feed themselves [...]
Industriegeselschaft, Konsumgesellschaft, Verschwendung
- Docu: geplante Obsoleszenz - Kaufen für die Müllhalde HD, Arte (01:14:53)
Glühbirnen, Nylonstrümpfe, Drucker, Mobiltelefone -- bei den meisten dieser Produkte ist das Abnutzungsdatum bereits geplant. Die Verbraucher sollen veranlasst werden, lieber einen neuen Artikel zu kaufen, als den defekten reparieren zu lassen. Die bewusste Verkürzung der Lebensdauer eines Industrieerzeugnisses, um die Wirtschaft in Schwung zu halten, nennt man "geplante Obsoleszenz". Bereits 1928 schrieb eine Werbezeitschrift unumwunden: "Ein Artikel, der sich nicht abnutzt, ist eine Tragödie fürs Geschäft". Gestützt auf mehr als drei Jahre dauernde Recherchen, erzählt die Dokumentation die Geschichte der geplanten Obsoleszenz. Sie beginnt in den 20er Jahren mit der Schaffung eines Kartells, das die Lebensdauer von Glühbirnen begrenzt, und gewinnt in den 50er Jahren mit der Entstehung der Konsumgesellschaft weiter an Boden. [...] - Apples Design-Strategie - Verführung mit Methode, SpiegelOnline, 06.10.2011